What is Prosthetic Dentistry?
What is Prosthetic Dentistry?
What is Prosthetic Dentistry?

For the teeth which are lost in the mouth for various reasons, Prosthetic Dentistry (Prosthesis) is the name of all treatments performed to eliminate the lost aesthetic and functional needs of people by using different and suitable prostheses. Many different prosthesis applications can be performed in the repair of the missing tooth or area.


Prosthetic dental treatment is also a preferred dental treatment method for restoring deteriorated oral aesthetics, except for the treatment of loss of function due to lost teeth despite all efforts. The purpose of this treatment is to prevent the disruption of daily activities such as chewing and speaking caused by missing teeth and gum diseases.


What are the Methods Used in Prosthetic Tooth Treatment?


  • Laminate Veneer (Leaf Porcelain)
  • Zirconium Crown (Coating)
  • Porcelain Crown (Coating)
  • Glass Porcelain Crown (e-max)
  • Precision Attachment Prosthesis (Snap-On Prosthesis)
  • Partial Dental Prosthesis (Hooked Prosthesis)
  • Complete Dental Prostheses (Removable Palate)
  • Fixed Prosthesis On Implant (Coating)
  • Removable Dentures On Implants (Removable Palate)


Zirconium Crown: It is a very strong and bright element made of zirconium ceramic and porcelain, obtained without the need for metal. This process, which is applied with the veneer method, is applied for deformed teeth and also for people who prefer this process in terms of aesthetics. It has light transmittance due to its zirconium structure. Unlike other prosthetic procedures, this feature allows it to be perfectly matched to the applied tooth and a completely natural appearance is achieved.


Porcelain Crown: It is the preferred coating method to protect teeth that have lost excessive material that may occur due to many reasons in daily life. With this method applied to the surface of the tooth, it is possible to adjust the desired color and shape. With this process, the porcelain coating is aimed to be like your natural tooth enamel.


Glass Porcelain Crown: In today's technology, it is the latest technology used in porcelain crowns in this area. There is crystal in the structure of glass porcelain tooth application, just like our teeth. Thanks to this feature, it can be fully compatible with natural teeth. The difference of this method, which is preferred especially for anterior teeth, from other methods is that aluminum oxide or zirconium oxide is used under the porcelain instead of metal support.


Precision Attachment Prosthesis: Also known as snap-on prosthesis, it is a dental prosthesis treatment applied in cases where there is a large number of tooth loss and fixed prostheses are not an option. In this method, prostheses that are movable sit on areas that are prepared and specially adjusted on fixed teeth.


Partial Dentures: Hook prostheses, also known as partial dentures, are preferred prostheses when a fixed prosthesis is not possible. It is named a hook prosthesis because it is attached to the tooth in front of the toothless area with a prosthetic hook system.


Complete Dental Prostheses: In cases where the individual does not have teeth in their mouth, prostheses that are placed on the lower and upper palates are also known as the removable palate. Since prostheses are not fixed in this method, their usage is more difficult than other prostheses. Although it is very easy to place it on the upper and lower jaws, it does not provide chewing and usage comfort as in fixed prostheses.


Fixed Dentures on Implants: While these fixed prostheses are installed, the number of missing teeth and the quality and quantity of the bone to be applied are taken into account and adjusted accordingly. Fixed prostheses on the implants are prostheses that can be applied in cases of missing teeth in the entire jaw and can be used in a fixed state by adhering to the implant parts or by screwing.


Removable Dentures on Implants: These prostheses are applied on implants placed on people who have no teeth and can be attached and removed by the patient.

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